Happy New Year! Every year we celebrate new year's swimming in the cold Atlantic Ocean. This year is the first year my children realized how good it made them feel😂
I reminded them that's why I take my daily cold shower, which they usually tell me I'm nuts for doing. So the kiddos have decided that they are willing to get in the shower or hop in our very cold pool every day. It made me think perhaps the radiant women may be up for the challenge too! But, hey, if my nine-year-old can commit indeed, you can too.
Aside from the personal feeling of victory of actually doing it, there are many health benefits!
*increased immunity
*increased circulation
*strengthened nervous system
The list is long! You can look it up to read more about it.
- I start with brushing my skin with a dry body brush
-Then massage with almond oil
-Then the shower on and start with extremities, massaging as they are in the water
- Massage the body all over using one foot to massage the other foot and calf, then switch. Women – massage your breasts! This is important for cancer prevention.
-Dry off briskly
Then I get dressed and go about my day.
Do not take my word for it. Try it and see how it feels. Experience is everything. - Korrin
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